November 9, 2021
EEEEK…today is the first day that I am officially launching my brand spanking new company… Tan Go Business Coaching! I have so many feels around this: excited, nervous, scared, unsure, shaky (or that might be the 3 cups of coffee I have had in a 2 hour period ??) AND… proud, amazed, inspired, motivated and energized! Just scared enough to be cautious, yet excited enough to be risky.
I love coaching people, working with business leaders and especially empowering women. In this company I have created…I get to do all of that. I feel so lucky!!
I am also launching my business at the same time as a new program that I hope to continue for some time: a Group Coaching Program for Women called Stand Tall & Wear a Crown. Check it out on my web page and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE with any women who you think could benefit. Spots are limited on this program, as it is meant to be intimate.
I will be so incredibly grateful for a referral to anyone who you think needs coaching either individually or business owners who need some strategy coaching. If you’ve worked with me in the past and think I could be helpful to your network or a specific person, please go ahead and share my page.
I can’t wait to meet all of you who will decide to work with me. In the meantime, please check out Tan Go Business Coaching at