In this video, I talk about setting yourself up for success, meaning taking care of yourself! It is really tough to be a drama-free leader or even live a drama-free life if you are tired, exhausted, not eating right, not getting quality sleep, or just generally overwhelmed.
In order to be able to navigate through the various forms of drama that you might encounter throughout your day, you need to take care of yourself first. And, I get it...that is much easier said than done. After all, we all KNOW what we need to do to take care of healthy, get quality sleep, move our bodies, drink lots of water, etc....yet, we often prioritize many other things over these essential items.
The only way that I know how to set myself up is to.....PLAN for it. And I would not consider myself the best planner. Nonetheless, I know I need to get myself organized to set myself up for success and to be able to make great decisions about whatever drama might show up.
Listen in to hear about two tips that work for me!
Wishing you well on your journey to becoming a drama-free leader!
Happy Leading!